Saturday, April 28, 2007


“Prejudice is a disease we can never get rid of.” Discuss.

The word prejudice referred to a prejudgmental statement of ill doing, or an evaluation or decision made before the facts of a case could be properly determined and weighed.[1] This usage was subsequently broadened to include any unreasonable attitude that is unusually resistant to rational influence.

Prejudices can be formed when a person had an unpleasant encounter with someone of that particular race or religion, hence stereotyping the entire group of people, believing that they would act in the same way. It is also formed due to exposure to an environment where it is widespread. For example, a child growing up with parents who speak badly of another race or religion will also grow up thinking that they are “bad”

Prejudices cause many social problems, such as some Whites treating Blacks with disrespect, as in the case of a guest of Oprah’s show, when a air stewardess accuses the Black of harassing her. One might think “if it is such a bad thing, why not just change the mindset of people and eliminate prejudices in people? “

It is not that simple. To do so, parents first have to allow their child to interact more with children from other racial or religious groups. This will build up trust and decreases the gap of the differences in culture. Then comes the community. In schools, teachers will have to treat all students with respect and equality. At other places, activities can be held to allow more interaction and hence reducing misconceptions that one group have about another.

That sounds feasible doesn’t it? We just have to think before we speak and avoid negative racial or religious comments. However, for that to take place, we’ll have to first convince the parents to take the first step. Supposed that they are strongly against a race or religion, they wouldn’t be willing to do so and they root of the problem will not be tackled. Examples of such cases include those in Northern Ireland and between the Sunnis and Shiites in the Middle East. In Northern Ireland, even though there are schools that have students from both the Protestants and Catholic groups, most parents are reluctant to send their children to these schools. Hence, most of them go to Protestant or Catholic schools instead, where they get more distrustful of each other. In one of the TIME reports, there was a short story about Sunnis saving the Shiites from drowning. However, the Shiites disposed of it as a myth and the Sunnis say that it was a disgrace to save those Shiites. Their dislike for each other date back to a few thousand years ago, with the Shiites seeing themselves as the oppressed. Such history cannot be removed easily. There are also other examples like Chinese and Koreans with anti-Japanese sediments. Often, these situations date back to hundreds or thousand years ago, and their dislike for each other was due to bloodshed in wartimes. Mindsets can be changed, but history can’t be. Yet, contradictorily, it is history that shapes our views.

Even if this barrier is crossed, we will still subconsciously sort them into different groups in our mind. A test involving filling adjectives in blanks shows this clearly. In the test, a picture of a White and Black are shown. Firstly, one is required to fill in good words in the blanks under the picture of the White and negative words under the picture of the Black. The test is then reversed with bad adjectives placed under the White picture instead. Studies then showed that it takes more time for one to place positive words like clean on the blanks under the Black man’s picture than on the White man’s picture. This is due to prejudice against the Blacks, and their subconscious is preventing them from completing the test in the same time even though they do not appear or think of themselves to be against the Blacks.

It is possible to reduce the prejudice of one group of people against the other. However, it is really challenging to try to completely exterminate it. One has to remember that there is always the subconscious playing some tricks on our minds.

Saturday, April 21, 2007


1. “YouTube has no ethics, it's been created for the sole purpose of entertainment and money.” Do you agree?

YouTube is now one of the largest and most popular video sharing site, hosting more than 8,260,000 videos with millions of viewers worldwide. Unregistered users can watch the videos on the site whereas registered users are allowed to upload unlimited number of videos, comment on videos and rating them. However, there are no restrictions to what can be posted by the users, be it videos or comments,leading to undesired consequences like copyright infringement, violence in teenagers, uploading of rebuttals and rating the public service announcements down ( when the Office of National Drug Control Policy of the US began running anti-drug messages on YouTube) and many more. this leads us to rethink about the purpose of setting up YouTube. Is it just a money-churning machine for its creators? Is it only a form of entertainment and does it have ethnics?

In one case, the owner of YouTube, Google, declined to remove a video insulting the Thai king, which is an offence in Thailand. In another, it refused to budge and pay Viacom a sum of 1 billion dollars for infringement of copyrighted materials. These are wrong decisions made by the management, especially for the former incident. However, from another perspective, with 65,000 videos being uploaded onto YouTube per day, it is difficult for the staff to look through every one of them and check if it fulfill copyright laws before allowing them to be put on the site. Besides, YouTube is offering Viacom a licensing fee or a piece of any revenue generated on YouTube from Viacom programming. Other firms like Hollywood is still divided on youtube as seen from the quote “While lawyers are demanding filtering technology, many Hollywood execs actually enjoy the fact that YouTube only takes down clips when they request it. "If I found part of a successful show up on YouTube today, I'd probably pull it down immediately . . . If I had a show that wasn't doing so well in the ratings and could use the promotion, I wouldn't be in a rush to do that.”
While videos portraying violence and pornography can be found on the site, there are also beneficial videos, such as the sharing of health advice on how to use certain medical kits or encouraging self-checks for tumour in the breasts.

Youtube is not without enthnics. Ultimately, it is just a company with it’s own limitations. It is unable to removed all the videos that does not follow the rules and regulations and it is the users responsibility to upload only suitable videos and report, if not flag any materials deemed unsuitable for viewing

Thursday, March 22, 2007

This is the first post we are supposed to put up for our gp blog.

1 : Write about yourself
Basically, I am just an ordinary girl with (unfortunately) no extraordinary dreams. I believe I am the shortest in my class, and that is a way of remembering who I am. As a proud Biology student, I had always been facinated by how different parts of our body function and that helps me to understand more about what to do, as well as what not to do, in order to maintain the fitness of the body. This, in a way, inspired me to be a teacher in the future to pass on that knowledge to the students. However, I have my doubts on being a good teacher- I lack the skill and simply doesn't look like a future teacher- to-be from all directions (360 degrees). I am quite lame and most of the time I can talk a lot. I did the Briggs test for fun and they said i was a Councellor Idealist, not that i know what that is. [ extract from the results: Counselors can be hard to get to know. They have an unusually rich inner life, but they are reserved and tend not to share their reactions except with those they trust. With their loved ones, certainly, Counselors are not reluctant to express their feelings, their face lighting up with the positive emotions, but darkening like a thunderhead with the negative. Indeed, because of their strong ability to take into themselves the feelings of others, Counselors can be hurt rather easily by those around them, which, perhaps, is one reason why they tend to be private people, mutely withdrawing from human contact. At the same time, friends who have known a Counselor for years may find sides emerging which come as a surprise. Not that they are inconsistent; Counselors value their integrity a great deal, but they have intricately woven, mysterious personalities which sometimes puzzle even them. ] - simplified form of what is going on in my head which I don't usually show in my actions.

Hopefully, i can do well in GP. Typing so many "I" sounds really strange as I usually don't do that. it's a GP blog, meaning that the essays must be generally correct, so i can't type things like" dunno" , " ..." and many more. Don't like it.

Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Made a blog for gp.